Bike Nights 

Our bike nights have became a local legend, we are pleased to welcome bakers from near or far, loads of parking, great atmosphere, truly stunning bikes and the chance to meet bikers and talk bikes 

Check out our events page for dates and times

Cool merchandise 

You’ve rode the bike, drank the coffee, met the dinosaur, now wear the teeshirt

Ask Chris to sell one of his bikes and that probably won’t go well, but check out our merchandise here which we are happy to sell


Next Bike Night


Bikes in the Park


Checkout the jolly bike shop merchandise

We are currently building our website and merchandise will be available for purchase online very soon!

All merchandise is available to buy in store. 

The Jolly bike Collection

Check out a unique collection of bikes on display, one of the best collections, one off customs, limited production runs and bike that made history all under one roof 

The ‘Black Pearl’ Pirate Bike

The Black Perl is a jaw-dropping custom bike inspired by the Pirates of the Caribbean [...]


‘Iron Maiden’ Chop known affectionately as ‘Maiden’ here was the first bike in the JollyBikeShop [...]


Bike Shop Events